by Gee Jay Coleco
Hello classmates and groupmates. Welcome to our blogsite.
This site could be our venue of communication, sharing of ideas and points of view. Also, a place where we can debate and argue about our assignment.
This blogsite is very easy to use. If you are new to blogging, please go to this help site.
To give you a heads up, please go to and sign in with the username and password that I provided to you, click [NEW POST], write your message and the title of your post, then click [PUBLISH POST]. Don't forget to type your name as well on your postings so that we will know the author.
You may also post pictures, links, videos, etc. as you wish. And of course, you may write a comment to the blog posts of our groupmates.
The reason I suggested to blog our assignment is so that anybody can view what we have accomplished so far. At the same time, a blog is a Web 2.0 website which is highly interactive.
The first part of our assignment is to compare two software programs: one proprietary and one open source. As I have mentioned on my e-mail, I would like to suggest that we compare Windows Media Player (WMP) and VLC Player.
Again, if you are using Windows OS, most likely you already have WMP. VLC Player is an open source so it is free to download.

In this way, just like what Frannie said, these two programs are very much accessible. No need to purchase any of them. Then again, if you have other ideas, please post them in this blog. We need to come up with a decision as soon as possible. Please keep in mind that we have a deadline to meet so I hope each of us would be able to share their thoughts.
For the second part of the assignment, It would better if everyone will be able to create their own poster which we can also upload here in our blog. Then we can suggest and modify it until we all come up with the final work.
That's it for now. I'm really hoping everyone will be able to participate and do their part. We only have about a month for this, no time to be wasted.
If you need to contact me directly, you may reach me through my e-mail/Yahoo! Messenger at
Thanks a lot! ;-)
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